Table of contents:
- Information about SRI
- Questionnaires
- Corresponding Author
- Publications
SRI – Quality of life and ventilation
The Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire (SRI)
Evaluation of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has become steadily more essential in health care practice and research in order to evaluate the human and financial costs and benefits of modern medical techniques. For the purpose of HRQoL assessment questionnaires have become the means of choice based on the requirement that high psychometric properties are established during questionnaire development. In addition, professional translation and cultural adaption are aimed at providing international comparability of HRQoL measurement tools. While generic questionnaires are not specific to any particular disease or condition allowing for a broad application and also comparisons between disease states, specific questionnaires are inevitably needed in case of specific treatment strategies being investigated for their impact on HRQoL.
The Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire (SRI) is a well validated and specific HRQoL measurement tool for the condition of chronic respiratory failure. The original questionnaire was developed in Germany and was first published in 2003. Following, the SRI has been professionally translated into several languages. Internationally, the SRI is currently the most frequently used tool to assess HRQoL in patients with chronic respiratory failure, and this is particularly true for those receiving home mechanical ventilation, but also for those receiving long-term oxygen therapy.
It is the aim of the German Airway League to translate new scientific developments into daily practice. Thus, the German Airway League serves as a platform for the SRI. Here, a list of publications related to the SRI is provided. In addition, both the original SRI and all translations in additions to their guidance of scoring can be downloaded free of charge for non-profit purposes from the homepage of the German Airway League.
Finally, a SRI app has been developed recently with the assistance of our society.
For scientific purposes:
This tool can be downloaded ⇒here (free browser version)
or in either App Stores:
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Download questionnaires
Danish | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
Dutsch | ⇒ SRI | Scoring (only available in english) |
English | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
German | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
Japanese | ⇒SRI | Scoring |
Norwegian | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
Polish | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
Portuguese | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
Spanish | ⇒ SRI | Scoring |
Swedisch | ⇒ SRI | Socring (only available in english) |
Corresponding Author
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Windisch
Chefarzt der Lungenklinik
Kliniken der Stadt Köln gGmbH
Lehrstuhl für Pneumologie
Universität Witten/Herdecke
Fakultät für Gesundheit/Department für Humanmedizin
Tel. 0221/8907-18929
Fax. 0221/8907-8305
Ostmerheimer Strasse 200
51109 Köln
SRI Development
- Chen R, Guan L, Wu W, Yang Z, Li X, Luo Q, et al. The Chinese version of the Severe Respiratory Insufficiency questionnaire for patients with chronic hypercapnic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. BMJ Open. 2017;7(8):e017712.
- Cuvelier A, Lamia B, Molano LC, Muir JF, Windisch W, Groupe assistance ventilatoire de la Societe de pneumologie de langue f. [The French translation and cultural adaptation of the SRI questionnaire. A questionnaire to assess health-related quality of life in patients with chronic respiratory failure and domiciliary ventilation]. Rev Mal Respir. 2012;29(5):705-13.
- Ghosh D, Rzehak P, Elliott MW, Windisch W. Validation of the English Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire. Eur Respir J. 2012;40(2):408-15.
- Guan L, Xu J, Wu W, Chen J, Li X, Guo B, et al. Chinese version of the severe respiratory insufficiency questionnaire for patients with COPD receiving long-term oxygen therapy. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018;13:1537-43.
- Lopez-Campos JL, Failde I, Leon Jimenez A, Masa Jimenez F, Barrot Cortes E, Benitez Moya JM, et al. [Health-related quality of life of patients receiving home mechanical ventilation: the Spanish version of the severe respiratory insufficiency questionnaire]. Arch Bronconeumol. 2006;42(11):588-93.
- Lopez-Campos JL, Failde I, Masa JF, Benitez-Moya JM, Barrot E, Ayerbe R, et al. Factors related to quality of life in patients receiving home mechanical ventilation. Respir Med. 2008;102(4):605-12.
- Lopez-Campos JL, Failde I, Masa JF, Benitez-Moya JM, Barrot E, Ayerbe R, et al. Transculturally adapted Spanish SRI questionnaire for home mechanically ventilated patients was viable, valid, and reliable. J Clin Epidemiol. 2008;61(10):1061-6.
- Markussen H, Lehmann S, Nilsen RM, Natvig GK. The Norwegian version of the Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire. Int J Nurs Pract. 2015;21(3):229-38.
- Oga T, Taniguchi H, Kita H, Tsuboi T, Tomii K, Ando M, et al. Comparison of Different Disease-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life Measurements in Patients with Long-Term Noninvasive Ventilation. Can Respir J. 2017;2017:8295079.
- Oga T, Windisch W, Handa T, Hirai T, Chin K. Health-related quality of life measurement in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Respir Investig. 2018;56(3):214-21.
- Ribeiro C, Ferreira D, Conde S, Oliveira P, Windisch W. Validation of the Portuguese Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire for home mechanically ventilated patients. Rev Port Pneumol (2006). 2017;23(3):139-45.
- Struik FM, Kerstjens HA, Bladder G, Sprooten R, Zijnen M, Asin J, et al. The Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire scored best in the assessment of health-related quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66(10):1166-74.
- Tsara V, Michailidis V, Perantoni E, Nena E, Moysiadis N, Windisch W, et al. Validation of the Greek version of the Severe Respiratory Insufficiency questionnaire. Hippokratia. 2017;21(4):186-90.
List of related publications
- Arellano-Maric MP, Gregoretti C, Duiverman M, Windisch W. Long-term volume-targeted pressure-controlled ventilation: sense or nonsense? Eur Respir J. 2017;49(6).
- Arellano-Maric MP, Hamm C, Duiverman ML, Schwarz S, Callegari J, Storre JH, et al. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome treated with non-invasive ventilation: Is a switch to CPAP therapy feasible? Respirology. 2019.
- Budweiser S, Hitzl AP, Jorres RA, Schmidbauer K, Heinemann F, Pfeifer M. Health-related quality of life and long-term prognosis in chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure: a prospective survival analysis. Respir Res. 2007;8:92.
- Callegari J, Magnet FS, Taubner S, Berger M, Schwarz SB, Windisch W, et al. Interfaces and ventilator settings for long-term noninvasive ventilation in COPD patients. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2017;12:1883-9.
- Dreher M, Storre JH, Schmoor C, Windisch W. High-intensity versus low-intensity non-invasive ventilation in patients with stable hypercapnic COPD: a randomised crossover trial. Thorax. 2010;65(4):303-8.
- Duiverman ML, Maagh P, Magnet FS, Schmoor C, Arellano-Maric MP, Meissner A, et al. Impact of High-Intensity-NIV on the heart in stable COPD: a randomised cross-over pilot study. Respir Res. 2017;18(1):76.
- Duiverman ML, Maagh P, Magnet FS, Schmoor C, Arellano-Maric MP, Meissner A, et al. Impact of High-Intensity-NIV on the heart in stable COPD: a randomised cross-over pilot study. Respir Res. 2017;18(1):76.
- Duiverman ML, Wempe JB, Bladder G, Jansen DF, Kerstjens HA, Zijlstra JG, et al. Nocturnal non-invasive ventilation in addition to rehabilitation in hypercapnic patients with COPD. Thorax. 2008;63(12):1052-7.
- Duiverman ML, Wempe JB, Bladder G, Kerstjens HA, Wijkstra PJ. Health-related quality of life in COPD patients with chronic respiratory failure. Eur Respir J. 2008;32(2):379-86.
- Duiverman ML, Windisch W, Storre JH, Wijkstra PJ. The role of NIV in chronic hypercapnic COPD following an acute exacerbation: the importance of patient selection? Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2016;10(2):149-57.
- Ergan B, Oczkowski S, Rochwerg B, Carlucci A, Chatwin M, Clini E, et al. European Respiratory Society guidelines on long-term home non-invasive ventilation for management of COPD. Eur Respir J. 2019;54(3).
- Huttmann SE, Magnet FS, Karagiannidis C, Storre JH, Windisch W. Quality of life and life satisfaction are severely impaired in patients with long-term invasive ventilation following ICU treatment and unsuccessful weaning. Ann Intensive Care. 2018;8(1):38.
- Huttmann SE, Windisch W, Storre JH. Invasive home mechanical ventilation: living conditions and health-related quality of life. Respiration. 2015;89(4):312-21.
- Kohnlein T, Windisch W, Kohler D, Drabik A, Geiseler J, Hartl S, et al. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for the treatment of severe stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a prospective, multicentre, randomised, controlled clinical trial. Lancet Respir Med. 2014;2(9):698-705.
- Murphy PB, Rehal S, Arbane G, Bourke S, Calverley PMA, Crook AM, et al. Effect of Home Noninvasive Ventilation With Oxygen Therapy vs Oxygen Therapy Alone on Hospital Readmission or Death After an Acute COPD Exacerbation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2017;317(21):2177-86.
- Raveling T, Bladder G, Vonk JM, Nieuwenhuis JA, Verdonk-Struik FM, Wijkstra PJ, et al. Improvement in hypercapnia does not predict survival in COPD patients on chronic noninvasive ventilation. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2018;13:3625-34.
- Schwarz SB, Callegari J, Hamm C, Windisch W, Magnet FS. Is Outpatient Control of Long-Term Non-Invasive Ventilation Feasible in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients? Respiration. 2018;95(3):154-60.
- Schwarz SB, Magnet FS, Windisch W. Why High-Intensity NPPV is Favourable to Low-Intensity NPPV: Clinical and Physiological Reasons. COPD. 2017;14(4):389-95.
- Schwarz SB, Magnet FS, Windisch W. Impact of home mechanical ventilation on sleep quality. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2017;23(6):500-5.
- Storre JH, Matrosovich E, Ekkernkamp E, Walker DJ, Schmoor C, Dreher M, et al. Home mechanical ventilation for COPD: high-intensity versus target volume noninvasive ventilation. Respir Care. 2014;59(9):1389-97.
- Storre JH, Seuthe B, Fiechter R, Milioglou S, Dreher M, Sorichter S, et al. Average volume-assured pressure support in obesity hypoventilation: A randomized crossover trial. Chest. 2006;130(3):815-21.
- Struik FM, Sprooten RT, Kerstjens HA, Bladder G, Zijnen M, Asin J, et al. Nocturnal non-invasive ventilation in COPD patients with prolonged hypercapnia after ventilatory support for acute respiratory failure: a randomised, controlled, parallel-group study. Thorax. 2014;69(9):826-34.
- Windisch W, Budweiser S, Heinemann F, Pfeifer M, Rzehak P. The Severe Respiratory Insufficiency Questionnaire was valid for COPD patients with severe chronic respiratory failure. J Clin Epidemiol. 2008;61(8):848-53.
- Windisch W, Criee CP. [Quality of life in patients with home mechanical ventilation]. Pneumologie. 2006;60(9):539-46.
- Windisch W, Dreher M, Storre JH, Sorichter S. Nocturnal non-invasive positive pressure ventilation: physiological effects on spontaneous breathing. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2006;150(2-3):251-60.
- Windisch W, Freidel K, Schucher B, Baumann H, Wiebel M, Matthys H, et al. Evaluation of health-related quality of life using the MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Status Survey in patients receiving noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. Intensive Care Med. 2003;29(4):615-21.
- Windisch W, Geiseler J, Simon K, Walterspacher S, Dreher M, on behalf of the Guideline C. German National Guideline for Treating Chronic Respiratory Failure with Invasive and Non-Invasive Ventilation - Revised Edition 2017: Part 2. Respiration. 2018;96(2):171-203.
- Windisch W, Geiseler J, Simon K, Walterspacher S, Dreher M, on behalf of the Guideline C. German National Guideline for Treating Chronic Respiratory Failure with Invasive and Non-Invasive Ventilation: Revised Edition 2017 - Part 1. Respiration. 2018;96(1):66-97.
- Windisch W, Quality of life in home mechanical ventilation study g. Impact of home mechanical ventilation on health-related quality of life. Eur Respir J. 2008;32(5):1328-36.
- Windisch W, Storre JH, Kohnlein T. Nocturnal non-invasive positive pressure ventilation for COPD. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2015;9(3):295-308.
- Windisch W, Storre JH, Sorichter S, Virchow JC, Jr. Comparison of volume- and pressure-limited NPPV at night: a prospective randomized cross-over trial. Respir Med. 2005;99(1):52-9.